New Company Policy Alert!

New Company Policy Alert!

Our customer service team will be given a daily budget to make your day awesome through random acts of kindness!

This can be anything from buying you lunch, to giving you your order on the house. The whole aim is to help make your day as happy as it can be.

The people who use our products are the most important to us. So we are constantly thinking up new ways to make you guys happy, and give you better and better service.  

So today Niamh, our CS Manager, bought someone a gift card from Beauty Bay so they can treat themselves!

And Maisie, bought someone lunch, with a £20 deliveroo gift card, as a thank you for doing the laundry with us.

Hopefully these people like their gifts, and we’ll be doing this every day as an official business policy to ensure that we are going to be giving the best, most amazing, customer experience as we continue to grow the brand!

What would make your day? Let us know in the comments!







Ideas, pet treats!



I had a really good first experience. It didn’t start that way. I so sceptical when i saw the brand on insta and then the parcel never arrived for overba week. I was ready to fight for the little money spent out of principle. CS team responded akmost instantly, with a replacement. It would hsve been nice for delivery to be waived or next day at least but the kindness in the email, I let it go. Trying them again, bigger bottles and deals! Clothes smell fab. Please change delivery partners though.

Sophie Lockwood

Sophie Lockwood

This is a lovely idea. For the last six months I’ve been suffering from crippling panic attacks and I very rarely leave my flat now. I would love something like a soothing candle or a new book. At least, using your products, my laundry smells great. Sophie x

Aneesa Patel

Aneesa Patel

Spa voucher!
I just need a break , switch off from everything going on for a little while and relax.
This would be a lovely treat, hope I’m selected!

Anthonia Okpala-Dawodu

Anthonia Okpala-Dawodu

Oh I love this idea and if I were lucky enough to be chosen, I’d absolutely be made up, I’d love a month supply of all bottles of your shampoo and conditioner please 😊

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